Author: Donna
I Want to Be Liked, Can You Take This Trauma Off of Me?
What About You? Do You Like Me? All through school I was a massive brown-noser. Every adult I saw I was smiling and chatty, trying to get any bit of kindness out of them. Most teachers let me stay late after school and hang out and help them clean their room and grade papers. They… Read more
It’s your Birthday! Here, Have Some Trauma
Hereditary Trauma, Not what I wanted to pass down. What is the best trait you past down to your kids? My kids, well at least the two oldest, inherited my frugal ways. None of my kids got my (my mother’s) brown eyes. But I can tell you that my daughter got my short stature and… Read more
Trauma? I will tell you how I got trauma!
So here comes the laundry. My parents split when I was less than a year old. My 25-year-old dad just got kicked out of the Navy for heroin trafficking and my 21-year-old mom took her 2-year-old and infant girls from Verginia, back to her home state of Wisconsin and my dad went and partied and… Read more